tips to improve your memory power

04/09/2012 20:25


Memory loss is a common problem associated with aging, but it's not something that has to happen. Our brains are like muscles, we need to exercise them and provide proper nutrients to keep them healthy. Neglecting our muscles will lead to muscle loss, just as neglecting your brain will lead to memory loss and decreased brain functioning. Use the following 27 tips to improve your memory and keep your brain fit.

Cut Back on Alcohol- Regular alcohol use has been shown to reduce brain and memory function.
If You Suffer From Depression, Seek Medical Help- Depression makes it difficult to concentrate on important information, and it also affects your brain function.
Exercise Daily- Daily exercise will help blood flow to your brain, which will carry necessary nutrients and oxygen and enhance brain and memory health.
Pay Attention More- We can't remember something we don't pay attention to. Stop living "in your head" and start focusing more on your outside world.
Try Rhyming to Remember Names- Rhyming can be an easy way to remember names. For example, for someone named Fred you could use "Fred's shirt is RED".
Quit Smoking- Did you know smoking cigarettes constricts blood and oxygen flow to the brain? This causes many memory and mental performance issues.
Get Enough Sleep Every Night (7-8 hours)- Adequate sleep is required for short term memories to be passed into the long term memory. Sleep is also necessary for proper brain function.
Teach Others Something- After you learn something new, try teaching it to someone else. Not only will you help someone, you'll also be reinforcing the information and make it easier to remember.
Eat a Healthy Diet- Proper nutrition is essential for optimal memory health. Use the USDA food pyramid for a guideline.
Take a Ginkgo Biloba Supplement- this natural supplement has been used for centuries to treat memory problems, and also may be an effective mood enhancer.
Don't "Cram" in Information- Many students try to "cram" in a bunch of information at once while studying, but our brains need time to process information. If you're having trouble remembering material, try reading slower or focusing on smaller chunks of information.
Do Crossword Puzzles- Doing crossword puzzles can be a quick and fun way to keep your brain mentally active. Anything that stimulates your brain can improve your memory and brain function.
Lose the Clutter- It's hard to concentrate when you're room or house is messy. Not only does it make it more difficult to concentrate, it also makes it harder to find important notes or dates written down. Take some time to get organized!
Be Social- Stress and depression are two main causes for memory loss. Becoming more socially active can eliminate stress and depression, have you feeling more confident, and improve your mental function.
Take Fish Oil Supplements- A deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids can lead to memory problems and supplementing with this vitamin can improve memory retention and concentration. Fish Oil supplements can be found at health stores and supermarkets.
Break Out of Your Routine- Getting used to the same routine everyday will not only get boring, it also won't be challenging your brain. To keep your brain fit and focused, switch up your routines by getting a new hobby, taking a new route to work, or mixing up your daily schedule.
Play Interactive Memory Games- Using memory games has always been a great way to stimulate the mind and improve memory, and now you can play them online or even on your cell phone. Visit the link at the end of this article for info about a memory game available for your mobile phone.
Eat Breakfast- We all know that eating a good breakfast can sharpen our concentration and improve mental performance. Don't skip over this essential meal.
Limit Distractions- When reading or studying material, distractions can make it very difficult to focus. When possible, cut out distractions such as television, your cell phone, and anything else that may distract you.
Reduce Stress- Similar to depression, stress can make it extremely difficult to focus. If you experience high amounts of stress, try yoga or meditation, breathing exercises, or seek advice from a counselor.
Write Important Information Down- Having a hard time remembering specific information like appointment dates, phone numbers, etc.? Try writing them down, not only will this make it very difficult to miss appointments, but it will also help imprint the information in your mind, making it easier to recall.
Learn Something New- Try reading a new book, learning a new language, or simply learning a new skill. Continuous learning will keep your brain and memory sharp.
Avoid Sugar- Sugar may give you energy for a short period of time, but when you "crash" your brain power will crash with it. Cut out as much sugar as you can from your diet.
Focus on Bullet Points- If you feel overwhelmed with information, try breaking it down into bullet points. This will build the foundation in your brain and you'll be able to take in more information later.
Repeat- Try repeating names when you meet new people, or repeating the key bullet points of information you want to remember.
Notice New Things- Take a look around the room you're in. What haven't you noticed? Looking for new things you haven't seen before will improve your visual memory.
Drink Plenty of Water- Dehydration can lead to many health problems, including a decrease in mental functioning. Our bodies are made up of 70% water, so keep you body and brain hydrated for optimal performance.  More at tips to improve your memory power