phone interview

04/10/2012 00:51

Today companies are focusing increasingly on the outcome of the recruiting operation so more new recruitment methods become popular, one of them is phone interviewing. Conducting an interview via telephone saves time and money since most common phone interview questions usually take up to fifteen minutes of your time. In this article we're going to write about steps on conducting a phone interview whether you are an employer or a candidate.Let's say you're the employer and you need a specific applicant for the job. Make a list with all the applicants to telephone and write down the phone interview questions. You should have a written set of questions you want the potential employee to answer and the curriculum vitae of every one of them in front of you when you make the call. Try to get the most amount of data about your applicant just by hearing his voice; is he really the type of applicant suited for the job?Be more selective because you can't read their facial expressions. Take notes on anything you view as relevant. Give your candidate enough time to ask what he wants to know.It's a phone interview so don't take it too lightly, because you'll tend to do something else while speaking on the phone, making long breaks in the conversation. That's totally unprofessional. Try to convey a clear image about the job requirements and always take lead in the conversation.If you're the applicant you have to know there's an extremely selective person at the other end of the line that will lead the conversation at all times so the strongest scheme you can have is to prepare as much as you can. When they call you to schedule the interview you have the opportunity to choose the exact date and time so take advantage of it.Always read about the employer's background. Make a list of common phone interview questions and answer and read it several times. Some of the questions could require multiple answers, such as: "What are the top three reasons you want to work in our corporation?". If something goes bad don't lose yourself. Let's say they need five reasons instead of 3 and you haven't prepared for that, that's no reason to panic. Just tell them honestly if you can't answer a specific question. Finally, when you speak on the phone stand up and smile, it'll make your voice more enjoyable. Remember, you have a lot of advantages when you're not face to face. You can walk while talking and you don't have to control your body language so much and you can read the phone interview questions from your script if your ideas fade away.  Check out phone interview