Chino dentist

04/08/2012 23:46

One of the options for replacing a tooth is Dental Implants. A metallic root of a tooth placed in the bone of your jaw which is allowed to heal in it for a period of time until the bone-implant union becomes strong to support a prosthetic tooth. These are manufactured devices which are placed surgically in the upper or lower jaw will function as an anchor for teeth replacement. They are made of titanium and other materials which are compatible with the human body.Traumas and diseases are the most common reasons for teeth loss. Accident and excessive biting forces leads to trauma whereas tooth decay and periodontal disease (gum disease) will generally considered as a disease. But other diseases such as cancer and various neoplasm's of the jaw will also result in the tooth loss. According to the American Studies more than 50% of the population have one or more missing teeth. Trauma commonly causes the loss of a single front tooth. Only Proficient dental implantologist can remove the remaining root, place a dental implant, and secure a new tooth. The loss of a single tooth in the back is commonly caused by tooth decay or periodontal disease. Sometimes this can be treated just like front teeth but for various reasons it is often more time intense.If you are almost missing the tooth and if you have the density in the bone, you can go for implant surgery. The surgery's success depends on the natural teeth in which implants are replacing. Those teeth replaced in the front, either in the lower or upper jaw are reported to have at least a 90% success rate and for the back molars which do most of the chewing, the success rate can drop to as low as 85%.Each Implant costs between one thousand and twenty-five hundred dollars and it depends on the health of the bone. Few people need to go for bone grafts to strengthen their jawbones before the surgery. It will usually take nine to eighteen months for this process, depending on how much jaw surgery is required. It will cost $2000-$2300 to do beneath the gum. Abutment will cost $450-$650. Porcelain Crown $1500-$2000. The cost for a single tooth replacement typically ranges between $3,500-$4,950 and will be less when replacing multiple teeth. a removable denture costs between $5,500-$16,500.The cost for non-removable dentures is $20,000- $27,000 for the implant, buttons and screws to hold the fixed dentures in place. Extractions range from $200-$400 per tooth. A bone graft averagely costs anywhere from $300-$1,600 depending on the extent of grafting needed. Sinus grafting and lifts range from $1,500-$3,000.  Visit Chino dentist for details.